Saturday, November 30, 2013

Medellin Relief Ops

It is always amazing to see, feel and experience volunteerism in action. How strangers become friends in achieving the same goal.

Today's activity YPRO joined the Uling City of Naga Parish Youth Coordinating Council (UCPYCC) in distributing relief goods to Medellin Cebu. At around 7 AM, UCPYCC members aboard City of Naga's minidam arrived at KJ's place to pick up repacked goods.
Left to Right. Top to Bottom Description.
Mandatory Team Pic.
Getting ready to go!
By 8:30, the team consisting of 3 YPROs and 8 UCPYCCs left for Medellin. Arrived at Medellin CNU grounds 3 hours after. Because it was almost lunch time, we decided to eat first.
Lunch time before the ACTION!
Over lunch the team decided to change the distribution venue since according to the contact, most people in the vicinity are already receiving relief packs from the municipal hall. He suggested that we should go to Brgy Antipolo. It's a barangay off the hiway.
Left to Right. Top to Bottom Description.
Open grounds.
Residents making their way to "ukay2x" for used clothes.
Ukay in action.
Listing the residents for relief distribution.
Left to Right. Top to Bottom Description.
Lining up for distribution.
Roll Call.
Resident receiving her pack.
Upon reaching the place, we saw an empty house with an open grounds. After a little discussion, we decided to pour all used clothes in a tarp on the ground. People were asked to get what they like the "ukay2x" way. It was fun to see them all excited sorting through the items. While the others are busy, I picked a resident to give me the names of her neighbors for relief distribution. We only had limited goods and in order to make sure that everybody will be happy, I need to impose a one pack per house rule. The residents were very cooperative. When told that they should line at the back of the truck after telling me their names, they did so without hassles plus an extra smile. I was able to list 75 people. Then the distribution began. Because I have the doctor's penmanship, I did the roll call as well. With each names, laughter followed. I kept reminding them that we only have limited relief so they should speakout if one of their neighbors had their name called twice.
Kids are enjoying the super sale.
Everything went smoothly. Aside from the 75 listed, we gave 5 packs to all those I neglect to list. We also gave tarps to people who touched our hearts the most. We left Brgy Antipolo with a smile as they wave with an even better smile.
Random stops to distribute remaining relief.
For the remaining relief, we distributed it to a community of tarps still in the same barangay. Like the previous, they lined immediately when we told them. Upon leaving, we still have some left. We dropped them at 3 stops in San Remigio.

Going home, we went round North. Yay! It was a plus. Snacks at Toledo then travel to Uling where we drop the UCPYCC members. :)

It was a fun operation indeed - a lovely closing to YPRO's 4th love sharing. Till the next time!

Once again, thank you so much for your time, money and efforts. We wouldn't have done this without you.

posted from Bloggeroid

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